Tycoon Sipapa ships-in new US $ 100K monster ride amidst house rent payment challenges

Prominent city tycoon ‘Sipapa’ CEO ‘Sipapa Entertainment’ continues to prove his controversial life to the entire nation after unsatisfying reports regarding his financial breakdown.

Apparently, the Mutungo based tycoon has shipped-in a new Range Rover Sport (Vogue) worth US $ 100,000 which makes it one of the most expensive rides in the country.

According to revealers, the tycoon has not yet picked his ride off the bond despite him completing all his payment for it.

It should be noted that Sipapa makes it among the top Ugandan money bags that own the expensive rides around town as he is fond of labeling them by his name ‘Sipapa’.

We shall keep you posted By Wyfy Gibogi

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