Taxi operators in Butambala have today invaded the office of the RDC at the district headquarters in protest of not having what to feed their families in this lockdown.
The tax operators say they don’t work and they have not been considered in the vulnerable poor and yet they are also citizens of the country who pay taxes. They also claim their taxis operate within kampala but what surprised them was their district being excluded from those that are supposed to get money from the prime minister’s office.
The group led by their chairman Kuyanja Musa say they are not leaving the Rdc’s office until he gets a better solution for their starving families. The RDC Butambala, Sulaiman Bukya Lubwama has consoled the group and said so far many vulnerable poor have approached his office but promised to work on their issues.
The area woman MP Aisha Kabanda says the taxi operators have a challenge since they are not working urging government to come up with a better solution of providing food for all Ugandans.