MC Kats Dumps Pearl Of Africa Hotel Due To Over-Pricing Their Drinks And Cheating Partygoers.

Barely two months after falling out with Fame Lounge due to poor performance and bad behavior, MC Kats has ended his #MeetCelebrityWednesdayNight at Pearl of Africa hotel, where he had took it, hoping it would get a high class touch.

In his defense, Kats believes he did everything to make sure that big artists come through for his night, but Pearl of Africa hotel management was too greedy for money that it over charged revelers, hence affecting the numbers, and sales.

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According to their agreement, MC Kats was supposed to make sure that people show up for his Wednesday night, and they buy food and drinks. Unfortunately, the hotel’s prices are too high that revelers couldn’t buy a mere beer at Ugx.20,000.

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This was followed by pressure from his employers to make sure that people buy drinks, which Kats tried to push, but even after identifying what the problem was, the hotel management couldn’t offer any discounts, hence sales of Kats night continued to fall.

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As of now, Fame lounge must be laughing at him, given the many insults he halted at them when they had fired him and Pearl of Africa hotel took him on.

‘Its been great working with Pearl of Africa hotel. Your hospitality was awesome. 5 Star hotels have levels that are expected from them In this case pricing of drinks n food prices are almost triple compared to any normal bar in town which affects sales n profit magine Having amid week nite competing with big brands n bars aint easy But we tried anyway We dont stop wont stop We will be back soon” he shared in a Facebook post.

Hopefully, another bar will take him on.

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About the Author: admin