90-yr-old woman dies of Covid-19 after telling doctors to give ventilator to youngest patientto save it for the young ones, who need it

Aside the horror of numerous lives lost and the economic hardship the coronavirus pandemic has brought upon mankind, it has also helped us bring out the best in our common humanity and work together to save lives.

One of such example is the case of a Belgian woman, Suzanne Hoylaerts, aged 90, who died of the deadly coronavirus after refusing a respirator. According to reports, she told her doctors, “Save it for the youngest who need it most. I’ve already had a beautiful life.”


A similar scenario had taken place in Italy when a coronavirus infected Catholic priest removed his ventilator and handed it to a younger patient who had none yet. The priest died immediately after the gesture. But, his selfless deed, would definately be remembered for a very long time.

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