WHO Clears Kenya To Participate In COVID-19 Drug Trials

By Website writer; It is now official some Kenyans will be used for coronavirus drug tests even after President Uhuru Kenyatta’s denial of the same barely five days ago.

The study dubbed solidarity trial will be conducted in 70 countries pending World Health Organization (WHO) approval.

The UN health agency cleared 23 countries including Kenya to participate in the clinical trials.

WHO clears Kenya to participate in COVID-19 drug trials.

The WHO-accredited International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCT) listed the participating nations on its website, even though the number could swell in the coming days.

The ISRCTN registry is a primary clinical trial registry which is recognized by WHO and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors that accepts all clinical research studies.

Imbaraga wishes you a safe stay as you practice the World Health Organization’s advised precautions of combat COVID-19, will keep you posted.

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