Social Media In-Laws Warn Desperate Susan Makula To Be Careful As Hajji Pastor Bugingo Selfishly Trashes Marriage And Wedding Vows.

Pastor Aloysius Bugingo delivered a bombshell when he said the wedding vows are not backed by any biblical teaching.

The vows usually go like this: “I [Name] take you [Name] to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part…”

Pastor Aloysius Bugingo and Susan Makula

Bugingo says those vows are misleading.

“Aren’t you the ones who deceive yourselves during weddings? There is nowhere it’s written that it’s death that will separate you. Do you wed to die? Do you wed because you want to die? I asked for that verse and I’ve never seen it. From the beginning to the end, [someone should come and show me where it’s written that a marriage should end only after a partner dies],” he said as part of the congregation clapped.

“Things may refuse. And it’s not death that separates you. I’ve stopped there. Keep thinking about it.”

Bugingo, who heads the House of Prayer Ministries International, said it’s after death that some people regret staying in some relationships because of the abusiveness they endured.

He said some people fear ending relationships because they are under family and societal pressure.

“People [suffer in marriages and refuse to separate] because they are worried about public opinion, yet the public opinion is not from the Bible, but hell. No verse in the Bible says one should die so the other can move into a new relationship… So, when they die at the same time, does that mean they sinned?” he said.

However, on one of the platforms in which the video was shared, a commenter noted that in the King James Version of the Bible, Romans 7:2 reads: “For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.”

Even ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭39‬ ‭in the American Standard Version of the Bible says something along the same line.

“He is yet to unveil a third woman. That’s how he starts… He first prepares your minds?” a commenter said.

Bugingo is currently engaged to Susan Makula whom he got into a relationship with after splitting with his ex-wife Teddy Naluswa. They have previously said they want to live together until they are 120 years old and die at the same time. However, Bugingo is 12 years older than Makula.

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About the Author: admin