“Bobi Wine Can’t Be Wiser, Richer Or Stronger Than Me When I Did PCM And For He Has Just A Diploma I MDD!” Attention-Seeking Bebe Cool Insists.

Bebe Cool sneered at the idea of Bobi Wine being richer than him.

“We don’t need to discuss that,” said Bebe Cool when he was asked to comment on Wine’s recent claim that he is richer than him and Jose Chameleone. Wine also said that he is better than them musically. “I think he was looking for relevancy.”

Bobi Wine, Bebe Cool and Jose Chameleone

According to Bebe Cool, it’s laughable that someone who has a diploma in Music, Dance and Drama thinks he can be richer than a person who did a subject combination of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in ‘A’ Level.

“How do you tell me that a person who studied MDD and got a diploma, it’s not even a degree, that he is better than someone who studied PCM?” said Cool.

Bebe Cool went to Agha Khan Primary School, which was called Kampala Primary School at the time, then Kitante Hill School for ‘O’ Level and joined Makerere College School in S.5.

“I was so good at Physics, so good with maths, and fairly good with the rest of the subjects,” Cool has said before. “So I chose PCM for my A Level.”

He said that he performed poorly when he was joining S.6. because he was an Entertainment and Prep prefect, so it consumed a lot of his time. He didn’t complete ‘A’ level.

Meanwhile, Cool said that Wine tried to compare himself to him and Chameleone because he is seeking relevancy because, on the political side, he is no longer relevant ever since Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba launched the MK Movement.

“I know he was kicked out of politics because there is MK now… so you may find he wanted to stimulate a fight that would make his voice heard. He was seeking talkability,” said Bebe Cool.

“He left the political track long time ago. Did you even see him at Kabaka’s birthday?”

Cool also noted that on the music side, Wine sings mostly in Luganda, so his songs lack international appeal.

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About the Author: admin