The late Philly Lutaaya’s family through the Nsereko Mukalazi and Company Advocates have issued a public notice regarding the copyright infringement of the works of the late singer.
In the notice issued through the New Vision dated 2nd May 2023, the family reveals that years back, a few musicians were permitted to redo specific songs of the late Philly Bongole Lutaaya music.
The musicians included Bobi Wine, Bebe Cool, Irene Namubiru, Nubian Li, Jose Chamenelone, Juliana Kanyomozi and many others.
The agreement permitted the musicians who republished the works to perform them publicly, as well as merchandise the recorded CDs at the shows and the agreement was valid for only two years.
The musicians were not allowed to publish or broadcast the works commercially on digital stores like YouTube or similar platforms.
However, several musicians embarked on publishing the works on their streaming platforms, broadcasting commercially on digital stores, and redoing the music without consent from Philly Lutaaya’s family.
In an effort to combat the ongoing copyright infringement, the family has through its lawyers warned whoever using the late singer’s works without passing through the right channels they are defying the Neighboring Rights Act 2006 and its regulations of 2010.
The family requests that anyone who wishes to remake Lutaaya’s music get in touch with them, and those who previously reprinted the music should renegotiate before performing the songs because their contracts are now null and void.
The public and including artists and visual creators are warned against reproduction, publication, distribution, or modification of the works of the late Philly Bongole Lutaaya without consent from the family members. further reads the public notice.