Alien Skin Celebrates After Knowing That Marijuana And Miraa Are Now Officially Legal In Uganda After Court Nullifies Law Prohibiting Their Use.

For the past years, smoking, planting or even selling Marijuana and Miraa has been an illegal activity with a huge penalty in the country but now the Court has ruled it legal squashing all laws passed before, you can plant, sell or even enjoy as much as you want.

The Constitutional Court in Kampala has repealed the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act, 2015 which among others prohibited the sale and use of several narcotic drugs in the country.

The decision followed a petition by farmers of miraa against the law that described the crop as a narcotic drug and consequently banned it in the country.

“In the premises, I would declare the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act, 2015 null and void for lack of quorum on the part of parliament contrary to articles 88 and 89 of the Constitution and rule 23 of the Rules of Procedure of the 9th parliament ,2012 made, pursuant to articles 88 and 94 of the Constitution,” Justice Muzamiru Mutangula Kibeedi said in a lead judgement.

In the 2017 petition, the farmers of the crop under their umbrella body, Wakiso Miraa Growers and Dealers Association Ltd, petitioned the Constitutional Court seeking for overturning of the decision of parliament which they said was inconsistent with principles of legality, equality, rationality and proportionality guaranteed under the constitution since they were never consulted.

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The dealers in mairungi also argued that they were aggrieved over the manner in which the law seeks to prohibit the cultivation, possession, consumption, sale, purchase, warehousing, distribution, transportation, exportation, importation and other dealings in the crop arguing that this decision was not backed up by any evidence, scientific or otherwise.

On Friday, the Constitutional Court ruled that the manner in which the entire law was enacted was illegal and the only remedy was repealing it.

According to the panel of five justices including the Deputy Chief Justice, Richard Buteera, Justice Stephen Musota, Justice Muzamiru Mutangula Kibeedi, Justice Irene Mulyagonja and Justice Monica K . Mugyenyi the rules of procedure in parliament require for a quorum before any bill is passed, adding that the rules also provide for what constitutes the quorum and the obligation of the speaker in confirming its existence.

“At the stage of voting, the bill must receive the sufficient number of votes in order for it to be lawfully passed. The sufficient number of votes is prescribed by Article 89(1) of the Constitution. They consist majority of the quorum.”

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