MIRACLE: Nun’s Body Exhumed After Four Years After Her Death But Shows No Signs Of Decay, Believers Worship And Praise Her.

Catholics have started gathering to see and touch the ‘Miracle Nun’ who died and was buried 4 years ago but now her body has been exhumed but shows no sign of decay, some have demanded that they name her a Saint.

All this took place in the small town of Gower, Missouri, United stated where the body of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster was exhumed who died aged 95 in May 2019.

Sister Wilhelmina founded the Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Apostles win she was 70.

She was last Thursday when Benedictine sisters dug up the coffin so they could move it to beneath the altar.

“We went out to her grave to say the rosary after the sisters finished the digging. She saw a totally intact foot with the sock on, looking just like it did when we had buried her. She could not help but scream with joy. Mother Abbess Cecilia looked through the crack made in the coffin, which very clearly occurred soon after her burial.” – one sister said to Newsweek.

Sister Wilhelmina died in 2019

At the time of Lancaster’s death, the nun wasn’t embalmed and workers expected to uncover bones from her body but instead found it perfectly intact. When a body is embalmed, it prevents human remains from decaying.

The phenomenon is being referred to as ‘a miracle in Missouri’ with people rushing to view the body that will be on display until May 29. The late nun’s remains will now be moved into a glass case for all to see.

The Catholic Church believes a preserved body after death is a sign of holiness

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