Ghetto Yut Alien Skin Says He’ll Cancel His London Show If Pallaso Is Booked On The Same Show, Insisting That He Lions Don’t Eat With Pussycats.

Alien Skin said promoters of the London show at which he was meant to perform alongside Pallaso will have to choose between him and his nemesis.

Pallaso and Alien Skin are scheduled to perform at an event dubbed Purple Party on June 24 at Royal Regency Hall in London, U.K.

Alien Skin and Pallaso

Alien Skin in a media interview said he won’t go if promoters book Pallaso to perform at the event.

The beef between the two started after Pallaso was seen beating Skin while shouting at him.

The incident would give promoters an opportunity to stage a maiden concert for Alien Skin.

The concert, which was staged on the same day as Pallaso’s on Friday, June 9, sold out, with observers saying nothing like that has happened at Freedom City Mall before.

Pallaso’s show was held at Lugogo Cricket Oval in Kampala and his numbers were also good. It was also his first show at Kampala’s highly-treasured concert venue. Pallaso has also had successful upcountry shows, so far in Mbarara and Fort Portal.

VIDEO: Pallaso roughs up 'Sitya Danger' star Alien Skin

Alien Skin, real name Patrick Mulwana, has also announced extra shows upcountry, starting with Mbale S.S. Grounds on June 17.

He will then go to University Inn Mbarara on June 18. Meanwhile, more people are said to be plotting to cash in further on the beef between the two singers. There are rumours swirling that businessman S.K. Mbuga is set organising a boxing match between the crooners.

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