Katanga Murder: Taremwa says Molly’s wounds are self-inflicted, wants her at Luzira

Kampala businessman Barnabas Taremwa and Brig. Gen Freddie Karara Machwa, who jointly applied to the High Court of Uganda for an inquest into the murder of tycoon Henry Katanga, have released a strongly-worded statement applauding the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for preferring murder charges against widow Molly Katanga.

In their media statement, the duo insists that Molly Katanga should be immediately transferred from IHK Hospital, where they claim she is merely ‘lodging with self-inflicted wounds,’ to join her co-accused in Luzira. They assert that Luzira has adequate facilities to care for her if she is genuinely unwell, as she claims.

Taremwa and Machwa also allege the availability of substantial amounts of money to obstruct the legal process initiated by the DPP and the courts to uncover the truth.

The statement reveals threatening phone calls received by their lawyers, Frank Kanduho and Paul Kutesa, who have reportedly been told they will meet the same fate as Henry Katanga. Additionally, the duo announces the withdrawal of their inquest application, originally aimed at demanding a court-level inquiry into the circumstances of Katanga’s death.

Expressing their readiness to aid prosecutors with more evidence, Taremwa and Machwa are determined to ensure that Henry Katanga’s death does not go in vain. They pledge their support to the DPP’s pursuit of justice against the accused, urging an expedited legal process.

The statement concludes with a commitment to reveal those attempting extrajudicial tactics against potential witnesses in the coming days.

Taremwa and Machwa assure their unwavering support to their lawyers and call on the public to continue their pursuit of justice for the late Henry Katanga. The lawyers are instructed to keep the inquest proceedings alive, having achieved their ultimate goal, albeit partially. The statement is signed by Brig. Gen. Karara Freddie Machwa & Bwaniaga Barnabas Taremwa.

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