BAJJO WASWAZIZANO ABASAJJA , OFUKAMILA OTYA?” Abitex Labels Bajjo a Disgrace to African Men

Renowned events promoter Abitex Promotions has taken aim at Bajjo Events, accusing him of a conspicuous display of excessive emotions and a breach of cultural norms.

Bajjo’s public demonstration of affection, including kneeling before Doreen Nasasira during a romantic outing, has incurred the disapproval of Abitex. He deems such behavior unnecessary and even embarrassing for a man.

Abitex, well-versed in the intricacies of Buganda culture, underscores that traditionally, it is women who kneel before men, not the other way around.

By deviating from this cultural norm, Bajjo has not only raised eyebrows but also compromised the dignity and respect traditionally associated with African men.

Expressing his disappointment, Abitex urges Bajjo to reconsider his actions and uphold the values and principles that define African masculinity.

He believes that Bajjo’s behavior not only reflects poorly on himself but also perpetuates negative stereotypes about African men, who are often portrayed as weak or overly emotional. This cultural clash underscores the importance of respecting and preserving traditional norms in the face of evolving societal expectations.

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About the Author: admin