See The 12 Reasons Why Onions Are Basically A Household Miracle

4. Cure your insomnia once and for all.

Onions on their own may not produce the best smell out there, but cutting one in half and breathing in the smell has been known to help folks fall asleep easier. You can also place a cut onion in an open jar and place it close to your bed.

5. Add more onions to your food for an increased sex drive.

Sex expert and yogi Psalm Isadora says this bulb increases testosterone, thus, boosting both men and women’s libido. “In Ayurveda, it’s known as a tonic for building sexual energy,” she explains. “Monks have to avoid it because it’s known to build up semen.”

6. Remove splinters without cutting your skin.

Sometimes splinters are stuck deeply in the skin. Grab a piece of raw onion and tape it to the affected area. Wait for an hour before removing the onion and you’ll see the splinter follow suit as well.

7. Help fight off acne and diminish scars.

Mix onion juice, tomato juice, and neem oil, applying it to trouble areas. The topical treatment will reduce redness, get rid off pimples, and lighten the scars.

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