See The 12 Reasons Why Onions Are Basically A Household Miracle

8. Clean dirty and disgusting pots.

If your cooking pots have burns and black spots, place a cut onion in warm water. Let it sit and wash away all the gunk afterwards.

9. Lower your cholesterol level.

Scientists in Hong Kong fed crushed onions to hamsters who were placed on a high cholesterol diet. After eight weeks of being fed cholesterol and not changing their diets, they found the hamsters’ cholesterol level decreased by 20 percent.

10. Improve your digestion.

Onions contain oligofructose, a soluble fiber that helps prevent and treat diarrhea. Oligofructose reduces the risk of developing gastric ulcers and promotes good bacteria growth in the intestines.

11. Reduce menstrual cramps.

Make an onion tea to help with menstrual cramps. Use the layer of skin and rinse them. Boil them for a couple of minutes and add honey to drink. Onions contain phenolic compounds like quercetin which have medicinal properties.

12. Helps to fight cancer.

A 2004 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that quercetin has anti-cancer properties. The research found that quercetin slows the cancer cells growth in the colon and liver.
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