“A Man Should Give a Girl At Least Ugx 1.8 to Prepare Ahead of a Date” Sheilah Gashumba sets Financial Standards for Dating Expenses

Renowned personality Sheilah Gashumba offers strong advice to girls, urging them to exercise caution when accepting dates from men who cannot provide a minimum of 300 USD or 500 USD to cover preparation costs for the occasion.

Sheilah argues that women often invest their own money to enhance their appearance for a date, only to receive a simple meal in return.

This, according to her, is an unfair exchange that places the financial burden solely on women. She further highlights that men can easily enhance their appearance with a simple haircut, requiring minimal effort.

To prevent being taken advantage of, Sheilah Gashumba advises girls to allocate a minimum of 200 USD for date preparations, covering grooming, clothing, and other expenses. She emphasizes the importance of not spending all their money on a date, leaving them financially depleted afterward.

Gashumba’s primary concern is that girls should not find themselves in a financially precarious situation after a date, especially when the other person has not made a comparable investment.

She encourages girls to prioritize their financial well-being and avoid being taken advantage of by individuals who do not value their time and effort.

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