I Fear Kampala men-snatchers, I will keep my man a secret – singer Cindy opens-up about her new love life

It would be unfair for one to miss out multi-talented female singer ‘Cindy Sanyu’ from that list of celebrities whose love life has often been a garden of thorns and a hell experience. Having been dumped on uncountable occasions, no one thought she would ever and ever fall in love again but guess what, Love proves to be an irresistible feeling when it knocks at your door irrespective of someone’s caliber.

The ‘Run This City’ hitmaker has seems to have fallen a serous victim of love again after a couple of years down the road hitting with a lonely bedroom. During an interview on NBS TV, the singer opened up about her new lover which she proves more serious and ready to fight for this time round than never before.

She refrained from publicizing their relationship at the moment until they both feel ready and more committed to each other to make it holy official and holy before God.

The singer further hit at critics for her past relationships especially the media, haters and music competitors who greatly ruined her love life when she tried happiness with men like Ken Muyisa and white man ‘Mario Brunette’.

Putting all that aside, the singer has been famously claimed a man-snatcher as she is remembered to have got it all from fellow singer ‘Phina Mugerwa’ after snatching her baby dad Ken Muyisa. We will patiently wait until she decides on her promise, will keep you posted

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