No Night Clubs, Concerts, Studio Anymore, I Want You In School – Hon. Nakiwala Kiyingi Vows To Fresh Kid

Famous young rapper Sentongo Patrick known by stage names Fresh Kid’s music career is likely to come to an end just like that after the Minister of State for Youth and Children Hon. Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi’s intervention.

Speaking to the media yesterday, Hon. Nakiwala said that she has been keenly monitoring Fresh Kid perform on musical concerts and clubs late in the night while still under 18years.

Hon. Nakiwala Kiyingi and rapper Fresh Kid.

She said it is a wrong approach for his managers to let a 7-year old child get involved in such a stressful professional music business instead of concentrating on his studies and getting parental build-up.

Hon. Nakiwala said it is instead a child labor practice not business as majority think and it contradicts to the constitution of Uganda, subjecting his parents and managers to offences of punishable by law.

Fresh Kid

Nakiwala also warned event organizers, his managers and parents to immediately stop fronting Fresh Kid into these activities or else she’ll take action against them-quoting the Penal Code to indicate how the Law is against the use of minors in money-making activities.

She further promised to penalizing Fresh Kid himself if ever found again in such harmful employment which aids and abates the penal code. This would see the young rapper trolled in the minor jail for discipline.

However, Fresh Kid has often claimed to be balancing school with his talent. His music performances are the only way he can generate money for school fees and living, he further claims.

We will keep you posted

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