By Muwanga Deo

The Makerere University Chief Fresher, Suubi Henry Kiyimba has landed a new opportunity to visit France and study French a dream most of us wish to have.

The French Ambassador Jules-Armand Aniambossou yesterday met Ssuubi and offered him a scholarship to learn the French language at Alliance Française Kampala.

Left is Henry Suubi at Makerere and on the right him chatting with the French Ambassador.

When some of us dream big and do not get even one dream achieved, for suubi, everything is going on well and his future is yet to be more colorful with hope like his name means.

ever since the picture of him reporting to Makerere with a metallic Suitcase went viral, he has been given alot of things including his engineering course he has always dreamed of and settling his high school debts that has hit over 2 million Shillings



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