Faded Gospel Artist/Loud Mouth Wisdom Kaye Is The One Chewing Rwandese Urban TV Presenter Winnie Success’s Hairy Meat.

Faded Gospel artist Wisdom Kaye is reportedly chewing industrial area based Urban TV’s employee Winnie Success and the two seem to be deep in love.

According to inside sources the renowned Ssemyekozo and social media critic bonking worries were fully settled having hooked up with the Urban TV’s Short Circuit show co-host in ways no one ever imagined.

From hanging out in various city spots to grounding the small and slender sized TV personality within his limits, its alleged that Kaye and Success are the new power couple in town messing news headlines like no more.

Basing on the trending pictorial moments of the newly elected president of the performing gospel musicians and Winnie Success grounding at zero, its crystal clear that something romantic must be going on in between the two besties.

But as of now, Mr Kaye Wisdom is free to eat his Kavandimwe without any disturbance, that’s really a shocker!

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