Singer Dianah Nalubega’s Rapid Weight Loss Worries Fans, As She Swears Never To Become Fat Again!

Band musician Dianah Nalubega has associated her sudden weight loss to her determination of craving for utmost beauty by fighting obesity.

The rate at which the “Mpulunguse” singer is losing weight had worried so many of her fans, especially men. According to the current pictures she shared online, the usually chubby Diana has tremendously lost weight.

Reports allege that some Kampala men who have been longing to be close to her had started shying away with endless suspicions of something strange eating her up or she is sliming on pills.

However, the singer claims she is working tirelessly to get rid of the too much body weight that could lead her to health diseases.

“Bino byemunjagaliza??? Kale nebwemutokomoka omugambo sidayo ??????????????????,” posted Dianah Nalubega through her socials.

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