Typhoid Fever Battle: Vampino Points to Spice and Sheebah Water Brands as Culprits

Renowned dancehall singer Elvis Kirya, popularly known as Vampino, is currently facing a health challenge as he battles typhoid fever, a condition he recently contracted.

In a candid revelation on his Instagram account, Vampino shared a video documenting his treatment journey at an undisclosed medical center. Expressing concern over his health, he attributes the illness to the consumption of unpurified water and pledges never to drink water from any source other than what he prepares himself.

Surprisingly, Vampino points fingers at Spice and Sheebah water brands, suggesting that his frequent consumption of these brands may have been the root cause of his ailment.

Having disclosed his health status, Vampino’s social media accounts were flooded with well-wishes and prayers from concerned fans.

Typhoid is a prevalent ailment in Uganda, often linked to the consumption of unboiled water or the use of unsanitary utensils. Vampino’s revelation sheds light on the importance of water safety, prompting him to take personal responsibility for purifying his water amid his ongoing health struggles.

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